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What Is Your Take On Plastisol Transfers?

With respect to T-Shirts, many say that plastisol is the absolute best but, personally, I have my reservations. Maybe I should first explain what a plastisol transfer actually is? Polyvinylchloride (aka PVC) Plastisol is a name given to PVC particles that have been...

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Did Romeo Loose Juliet Because Of His Cigar Habit?

It could be the stuff of a great example of comedy in advertising to revise the balcony scene from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to depict Juliet’s balcony speech – “Romeo, Romeo; wherefore art thou Romeo” – with a response from Romeo that he will join her when he...

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Take the Stress Out of Buying Designer Corsets

When it comes to sex appeal, corsets rank close to the top. While corsets may not seem like they are easy to shop for, or to wear, this is untrue. Designer corsets differ from various other corsets in detail, design and construction. A few easy tips will help you...

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Finding the right safety footwear

Worker safety starts on the ground and works its way up, the best foundation for safety is the choice of work boots chosen. Many workers are fully aware that they need to wear safety gear but in some cases the worker will purchase sub-par boots, not realizing just how...

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